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    8 to 8 Dental


    £29,116 + VAT


    3Shape Trios Scanner

  • TERM

    5 years


Dr Hiranya Fadia is the principal and owner at 8to8 Dental. A family owned business with  practices located in Buckie and Keith, Scotland. A warm and friendly welcome to a modern, and  beautiful set of practices, the award-winning team has undertaken extensive training to provide  the area with the very best dental treatments.

As a practice that has already invested in high end technology, Dr. Fadia viewed the  different options available for digital impressions and decided to purchase the 3Shape Trios. Dr. Fadia gave WestWon the opportunity to supply a finance illustration, and as a result  proceeded with the purchase of the scanner.


“I am really happy with the purchase, the impression scanner is exactly as I expected. The new  equipment will enable 8to8 Dental to offer patients the latest technology in digital impression,  significantly speeding up the time it takes, and more importantly improving the comfort for our patients.  I made savings by using WestWon and benefited from the tax breaks that I was entitled too.

I was really impressed with the speed, and simplicity of the application. WestWon were outstanding.”